A Performer/Connoisseur from Ecruteak City, Johto. She hails from the famed Kimono Girl family, but it doesn’t seem like she plans on following in those steps. Faye’s sweet and soft with a charming smile, but has a bit of a whimsical streak beneath her surface.

An Athlete from Camphrier Town, Kalos. She’s the sheltered heiress of a declining noble family from the days of old. With her head held high and her chest puffed out, Lysette is the image of nobility, prodigy, and perfection... Or, that's what she tries to be.
Lysette has had many words thrown around about her in the past. Noble, disciplined, proud (not always in the good way)— all accurate to House Fleuriau’s heiress. Her parents instilled strict etiquette into her and it shows, from her formal speech to the elegant way she carries herself. Despite her aristocratic blood, she's a selfless, kind young lady who’s willing to give all of herself for those in need. She puts her all into everything she does, whether it’s fencing, schoolwork, or feeble attempts at housework.
Her sense of duty has her hold herself to unrealistic standards, and she can come across as rather arrogant about her skills. In fact, her desire to attain absolute perfection is so great that she’s made a habit of locking herself away from other people until she finds her work satisfactory. Though she critiques herself heavily, she has difficulty accepting critique from her peers. Due to her upbringing, she can come across as a bit... out of touch with normal people. It's easy to fluster her with friendly banter, and even fairly mild teasing can cause her to get worked up. All in all, Lysette is the perfect noblewoman— or at least, she pretends to be.